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Fennell, D., A. Liberato, B. Zsembik. 2009. “Definitions and Patterns of CAM Use by the Lay
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Liberato, A., D. Fennell, and W. L. Jeffries IV. 2008. “I Still Remember America: Senior African Americans Talk About Segregation.” Journal of African American Studies. 12(3):229-242.
Fennell, D., and A. Liberato. 2007. “Learning to LIve with OCD: Labeling, the Self, and
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Liberato, A., and D. Fennell. 2007. “Gender and Well-Being in the Dominican Republic: The
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Liberato, A., and D. Fennell. 2006. “The Well-Being of Industrial Workers.” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. 5(4):303-328.
Zsembik, B., and D. Fennell. 2005. “Ethnic Variation in Health and the Determinants of Health Among Latinos.” Social Science & Medicine. 61(1):53-63.
Fennell, D. 2004. “Determinants of Supplement Usage.” Preventive Medicine. 39(5):932-939.